We are an open forum and clearinghouse for the collaborative generation and exchange of ideas and ideals which we view as integral to the development and efficacy of global initiatives essential to the world's political, economic, social and environmental betterment and survival.
We have chosen the tower and bell of "Independence Hall" in Philadelphia as our "standard" or graphic image because they memoorialized a time and state of affairs in America when our people were not slaves to a corporate-dominated two-party political system and news media. We have chosen the domain name "Declaring Independents" because that is what we are: A group of free-thinking, independent, non-partisan people who wish to collaborate and synergize with one another for the re-establishment of freedoms and independence in the spirit and form declared in Philadelphia in 1776 when that bell rang out its Fourth of July music and message. May that music and message find renewed resonance in the generations and disseminations of our thoughts and words (including yours) in cyberspace.