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The Biggest Lie of All

by Editors

Wake up people. We were lied to. The biggest lie of all is Bush’s claim that the duration of our occupation has come as an unforeseeable surprise. It’s the biggest and the subtlest of the entire pack of neo-con lies told about the war in Iraq. Bush and the authors of the original plan of war planned from the start never to leave Iraq…at least so long as the oil holds out. We’re already back to 80 percent pre-war production levels. “No Exit” was the plan from the go-street intersection of “Shock and Awe”. Make no mistake about it(!)

Iraq was simply the first conquest named in the joint Israeli/U.S. plan to establish a new Middle Eastern order. Read about it in”A Clean Break”–the 1997 plan co-authored by David and Meyrev Wurmser, (Hudson Institute operatives, PNAC and A.E.I. and Pentagon insiders instrumental in executing the neo-con coup of the Pentagon detailed in Sam Tannenhaus’s July 2003, Vanity Fair expose’) incorporated in the PNAC manifesto (so-called “Statement of Principles” on the PNAC website).We entered Iraq without an exit strategy not because we were stupid or our intelligence was bad. All we NEED do is read the Downing Street memo and “A Clean Break” (research them! Google them!) to see the intelligence Bush had was clear and certain: no Iraq/9/11 connections, no WMD’s , and there COULD NEVER BE AN EXIT FROM IRAQ. Ike knew it; Bush’s father SAID it; and GW Bush certainly knew it because his father, among many others, told him. The very non-existence of an exit strategy guarantees America 20 percent of Arabian reserves forever… or at least until Halliburton freezes over.


In previous months there were problems in arranging for a “constitutional congress” to actually become a U.S.-appointed caucus. Next month there’ll be further delays in drafting the constitution these non-elected delegates will forge as straw-men for their neo-con U.S. partners in oil. After that, there will be delays in U.S. military departure because, somehow, things just won’t be getting peaceful over there–while an Islamic people are held captive by Western infidels in their holy land–Go figure. The foreign-policy math here is not challenging. The insurgency will continue as long is there is a marketable flow of oil, because, as long as there is a marketable flow of oil, we (Halliburton and Halliburton customers- you and I) will be there pumping it.


Did you read it in the news today (August 1, 2005) about the U.S. Soldier that suburb of Baghdad is already calling “Sheik” (for his skill in garnering local help in ferreting out insurgents)? And the U.S. public is supposed to believe its government has an exit plan? We’re digging in deeper and deeper in Arabia’s oily oasis. We’re getting accustomed to being tent dwellers. We’re now putting on robes and turbans. Britain’s Lawrence of Arabia clearly had no patent on either Machiavellian stealth or desert détente. If war’s a great teacher of history as they say, oil apparently supplies an equally adequate source of ink for recording it.


Hello! If you think we keep troops in Iraq to save lives from “insurgents”, ask yourself why Bush said no when the Senate asked for troops to fight genocidal terrorism in Sudan (mounting death toll 400,000). “No Exit” was flashing over Baghdad’s door the day we entered. We knew that American/English occupation of Iraq would be bloody and protracted. Bush and Rumsfeld’s principal miscalculation was in underestimating the quantity of troops it takes to maintain the bloody standoff with the insurgents we’d certainly muster in retaliation for our invasion. If we could have sustained the occupation of Iraq with 50,000 troops instead of three times that, we’d already be taking over Syria and/or Iran, which are certainly next in line-at least if the neo-con Christian and pro-Israeli Zionists intent on waging their combined Herrenvolk wars of “End-Time Rapture” and Zionist Armegeddon win again in 2008.


A U.S. Congressman yesterday suggested (“hypothetically”) that bombing Mecca might provide the proper response to the next act of Islamic terrorism on U.S. turf. Rebecca, the female bartender in TV’s sitcom, “Cheers” said something humorously self-deprecating after a blunder of galactic proportions…and it’s somehow the only thing that comes to mind in the wake of Tom Tancredo’s hint of declaring war on Islam (as opposed to a war on Fundamentalist Islamic Terrorists, which constitute probably less than 1 percent of trans-Global Islam). Tommy T, I think Rebecca’s auto-erratic refrain might be a natural for your adoption and chanting at least once a day in the mirror for as long as you live. So, repeat after me…. ” I am toooo stoooopid to live”.


My good American friends, until we read the Downing Street Memo, “A Clean Break”, the PNAC manifesto (entitled “Statement of Principles”) and understand how the PNAC and A.E.I. control Bush and the Pentagon, we are far too ill-informed to form an opinion, much less vote.


We need to wake up and quit being deceived by this “war on terrorism” Bush declared nearly four years ago. Next year, it will have out-lasted WWII. As of today (August 3, 2005) 1,800 Americans are killed; over 43,000 have been seriously injured, mentally and/or physically; we have slaughtered 113,000 civilians (we know of) and we can’t prove we’ve killed a single individual involved in 9/11. “All gave some…Some gave all” applies to all our wars and our beloved warriors. But until we wake up, our children are over there heroically, tragically and needlessly dying. Blood and oil are not an even trade.


Dusty Schoch
High Point
August 3, 2005


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