Reviving a Dead Horse
REVIVING A DEADLY HORSE (the “Fourth Horse”)* |
By: DW Foreign-Policy Editor, Dusty Schoch
PREFACE: On October 5, 2007, High Point Enterprise editors published a column written by Neocon-artist, Bill Steigenwald again, with stagnant relevance, attacking NASA’s James Hansen for criticizing the Bush administration’s vacillating propaganda on global warming. This columnist actually accused Hansen of “raving” against what happened in the White House with regard to the alteration of Hansen’s 2005 report on the ominous progress of global warming and the “tipping point” now less than a decade down the road after which it may be too late to do anything to save our polar ice caps and myriad species of life on earth (including us) . It was nearly impossible for this writer to believe that a newspaper would again print such a rant against Hansen now that the whole world knows that he was telling us the absolute and terrifying truth and that Bush and his petroleum bully boys were lying to us and criminally altering scientific reports in the process. What follows here is a letter (now an open letter) to our local newspaper regarding their editors’ decision to publish this neo-concerted effort to sell the American public—again—the “big lies” that Orwell warned us would come in 1984…missing it only by about two decades.
We should all pause to ponder the likeness of what Adolph Hitler did in 1933 and what Bush is doing while I write. Hitler was taking aim at the intellectuals of his day when he orchestrated that symbolic burning of the books of all those thinkers of his days he labeled “leftist liberals and dangerous intellectuals”. This was fascism in its most insidious stage…IN THE BEGINNING. When we failed to indict, prosecute and impeach for treason our President for the part he played in the criminally-corrupt plan to falsify a federal agent’s reporting of scientific evidence of global warming—a process that threatens our lives and all life on earth—we were witnessing the BEGINNING OF FASCISM’S REIGN IN AMERICA. For the whole frightening story, hit the link to the “Free Book” on the homepage of this website—“American Fascism…” click here—
I’m “reluctantly” submitting a counter-point article on the Bill Steigenwald column you posted today (9/5/07)…primarily because it’s a dead horse issue. Steigerwald in the article is actually accusing NASA’s James Hansen of deceit in criticizing Bush for his now established act of changing the science on global warming. Even Bush has retracted his statements denying global warming—the ones he made at the time of the Hansen/Cooney issue about which Bill S presently writes. This guy (Steigenwald) is a neo-conservative satirist at most, and his rant against Hansen is—again—beating a dead horse, and the dead horse is the treacherous collaboration of Cooney and Bush to falsify scientific reporting.
Hansen raised Cain in the media when his Goddard Institute report (with which no scientist with credentials on earth now disagrees) was gutted…that is edited by a White House Lawyer before it was published.
Cooney (the lawyer who altered NASA’s [Goddard) report] is a petroleum industry puppet (a lobbyist for the American Petroleum Institute in fact before becoming a White House lawyer), and Bush’s either permitting or ordering Cooney to change the reported science was an act as fascistic as any U.S. President has ever committed. Hitler at least had the integrity to openly burn books containing truths he wished to bury….Bush had his bully boys edit out the truth and substitute Exxon-Mobilized lies and greasy glossings-over behind closed doors. Hansen bravely outed them from their criminally-collaborating closets.
After changing the “10-year MUST reduce CO2 or destroy earth” story to “uncertainty”, Cooney concocted (as LAWYER re-writing a NASA Science report) a statement that NASA reported “the uncertainties so great as to preclude meaningfully informed decision making.” A total lie and fabrication. Hansen reported the myriad alterations made by Cooney to Hansen’s scientific text. The proof of black-penned editing on Cooney’s part is ubiquitous, and no-one now disputes it. Google it if you have any doubts (just type in “Cooney Hansen Goddard Report Lies” and you will eventually find photographs of the alterations in Cooney’s broad and brazen hand).
Your publishing this, in effect, “revisionist” account of Cooney’s treacherous “re-writing” of a scientific report–now that the world (including Bush) agrees with it–gives the appearance of either not being aware of current scientific consensus or of knowingly contributing to the petroleum corporations’ chanting of the biggest lies in Orwellian-Big-Brother history.
Bill S in the column characterizes as “ravings” what is clearly happening. Arctic sea ice is melting at a rate now that will turn the poles into urban-inundating drinking water within a scientifically-predictable time. CO2 emissions are clearly the cause.
Publishing this idiot’s 2007 attempt to revise 2005 history when the world has discovered and now agrees Hansen was right on the money is (my opinion) difficult to understand from the editorial standpoint, and impossible to accept.
Dusty Schoch
9 5 07
* The “Fourth Horse” referred to in the John’s prophetic Book of Revelations was “death”.